Location: London Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO2 9RR

Smile Servicing - Blog

Common Signs Your Brake Fluid Needs to Be Changed

If you’ve noticed any of these warning signs, you should have your brake fluid replaced soon.... Read More

20th February 2025

6 Signs Your Wheels are Out of Alignment

Vibrations in the steering wheel, your vehicle pulling to one side or abnormal tyre wear are all signs your car’s wheels are misaligned. Learn more here.... Read More

20th January 2025

Key Signs Your Tyres Need to Be Replaced

You need your tyres in top condition to stay safe on local roads, so make sure you know these 5 key warning signs you need to book a tyre replacement.... Read More

16th December 2024

4 Strange Car Noises (And What They Mean)

If you’ve noticed an unusual squealing, clunking, grinding or hissing noise from your car, we’re here to help you get to the bottom of the issue!... Read More

17th October 2024

How to Fix an Overheating Car

If you suspect your vehicle is overheating, pull over in a safe place, let your car cool down and then follow these steps to get moving again quickly.... Read More

20th September 2024

What Makes Your Tyres Illegal & How to Make Them Last Longer

Many drivers know that their tyres should last between 4 and 6 years and sometimes even longer, so they’re less aware of when their tyres are actually illegal. Unfortunately, driving with illegal tyres fitted to your car can lead to a £2,500 fine and... Read More

31st May 2022

Why do I need a brake fluid change and how does it work?

It’s no secret that your brakes are one of the most important parts of your car, especially when it comes to keeping you safe on the roads. But you need to look after your brakes so they can keep you safe. A major part of that is a brake fluid change... Read More

12th March 2020

How to recognise when you need a coolant change

When it comes to keeping your car running, coolant is one of the most important components. It prevents your radiator from overheating and, when combined with antifreeze, from freezing in the winter. But it can’t keep doing its job without routine ma... Read More

14th February 2020

Three benefits of a car body repair

A small dent or scuff from scraping a kerb or a pillar in a car park can be tempting to ignore. It might look a little unsightly but, on the whole, it’s nothing to worry about, right? Well, not quite because there are a few more benefits to getting t... Read More

10th January 2020

What’s included in a winter car check?

It’s important to prepare your car correctly for every season, but winter is arguably the most important because of its extremes. The quickest and easiest way to do this involves a winter car check. This might sound a bit vague to you, so we’re going... Read More

4th December 2019

The Problems with, and Causes of, Incorrect Wheel Alignment

Your wheel alignment is something that can quite easily get overlooked. Many of us don’t assume there to be anything wrong when there could be a serious problem developing with our car’s wheels or tyres. So, how does it happen and why is incorrect wh... Read More

27th November 2019

The Dangers of Keyless Car

The automotive industry has developed at a rapid pace over the last few years and the latest innovation is keyless entry for your car. While there are undeniable benefits to this new system, there are also significant dangers involved with using the ... Read More

4th October 2019

Getting your car ready for Autumn

It’s that time again. When the nights draw in, the temperature drops and there’s nothing better than snuggling up in front of the fire. But it’s important to keep your car in top condition for the cold months ahead as well. Here are five quick and si... Read More

10th September 2019

Quick Tips to Prepare your Car this Winter

Autumn is finally here and with the changing season comes changing responsibilities for your car. As the temperature drops and the weather conditions become colder and more dangerous it’s important you take some precautions. We’ve put together this g... Read More

14th January 2019

3 ways to keep your dog happy when travelling in a car

Taking our dogs out and about can be great fun and company but travelling with them in a car can be somewhat challenging. Going on road trips and holidays with our dogs in tow is a lot of extra work but if you plan ahead it can be a great experience.... Read More

23rd August 2018

3 reasons why motorway lessons are beneficial for new drivers

On June 4, 2018, learner drivers were officially allowed to have lessons on the motorway. The only conditions were that they had to be in a dual controlled vehicle with an approved instructor. Drivers won’t be tested on motorways as part of their pra... Read More

25th June 2018

A list of Father’s Day gifts for motor lovers

Ahhh dads. They’re great, easygoing and generally the most quiet members of the family. When there’s an argument they don’t take sides and when you’ve achieved something they’re the first ones to say they’re proud of you. So, Father’s Day is importan... Read More

31st May 2018

Why do I need an air conditioning recharge?

Most modern vehicles come with air conditioning as standard. This helps a lot of drivers feel comfortable and safe on a hot day whilst helping demist your windscreen faster too. Like most other components in your car, your air conditioning will need ... Read More

30th April 2018

3 ways you can improve your vehicle before its MOT test

Every year in the UK it’s thought that four out of every ten vehicles fail their MOT test. The government has said that this could be easily avoided… but how? We’re looking at a few things you can do to ensure you don’t get caught out.... Read More

27th March 2018

5 iconic vehicles from your favourite films and TV shows

Everyone has a favourite TV show and a favourite film – they’re based on our interests, sense of humour and what type of entertainment we like to watch. It’s probably not a surprise when we say that some of our favourite TV shows and films are relate... Read More

9th January 2018

How to avoid a breakdown over Christmas

Christmas is one of the best times of year, it brings families together, we get loads of presents and it’s the perfect excuse to wear glitter for the entire month of December. Many of us will be travelling to see loved ones and go to parties over the... Read More

30th November 2017

3 ways Brexit could change the motor industry

We think it’s safe to say that no one understood the full consequences of Brexit prior to the vote or after Article 50 was triggered. However, what we do know is that we’re in a race against time to secure a good deal for the automotive industry in t... Read More

2nd November 2017

3 female motor bloggers you need to know about

The motor industry still comes across as a male-dominated industry. However, each year women influence the decision of billions of pounds of car sales. One area in particular where women are thriving in our industry is in blogging. There are a large ... Read More

9th October 2017

A guide to your MOT test

Nothing good can come from procrastinating over your MOT test except—nothing good! If you’ve waited until the ninth hour, you might be fined a substantial amount of money for being late. If your car doesn’t pass the MOT, and you haven’t allotted enou... Read More

8th August 2017

Choosing your car tyres

When you think about car safety you’d assume that your seatbelt and your airbags are the most important pieces that keep you safe. However, tyres are also significantly important as they are the only part of your car that has contact with the ground.... Read More

25th July 2017

Summer is here! Caring for your car during summer months

Summer has arrived! And that means it’s nearly time for the summer holidays. Whether you’re going on a road trip to the beach, to see family or to a festival, your car will be a hot spot (literally) this summer. Before you head off on your jollies, i... Read More

6th June 2017

New Speeding Fines and What it means for you

Last month the law for how speeding crimes are punished changed in England and Wales. Speeding penalties are now a lot stricter and you might even have to pay up to 150% of your weekly income in worst case scenarios. It was previously only 100% of yo... Read More

2nd May 2017

5 Ways to Avoid being a Drowsy Driver

Between managing a career, family and social life it can seem somewhat impossible to get a decent night’s sleep. It feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day especially if we add driving into the equation. This can lead to us feeling overtired ... Read More

11th April 2017

Your Annual MOT Test

You might not get your vehicle serviced regularly as it isn’t a legal requirement, although it is highly recommended in order to make sure your vehicle is working properly. New cars get MOT tested by law for the first time when they are three years o... Read More

11th March 2017

Checking your Car Service History

Smile Servicing recommend getting a full car service once a year, or every 10,000 miles but every car is different and that’s why it’s important to know about your car’s service history.... Read More

8th February 2017

How to check your car battery

You’ve probably clicked on this blog wondering if you’re going to need a new car battery? Well, let us explain. A car battery operates a number of important functions in your car and keeps it moving. If your car battery didn’t work, nor would your li... Read More

10th January 2017

Motorist Winter Checklist

Now that winter is on the horizon, it’s critical that you prepare your car for the colder months. As many as 20% of drivers fail to make any checks, at all, in other months, and even in winter only half of these drivers undertake basic checks. With t... Read More

2nd December 2016

Winter Air Conditioning

Most people only use their car air conditioning system during summer – however, these vehicle owners could well be damaging the vital components of their air con system without even realising. Here we explain why, as well as describing why you should... Read More

10th November 2016

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